All files / src/compiler/phases/2-analyze/css css-analyze.js

99% Statements 198/200
98.59% Branches 70/71
100% Functions 9/9
98.97% Lines 194/196

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import { walk } from 'zimmerframe';
import * as e from '../../../errors.js';
import { is_keyframes_node } from '../../css.js';
import { merge } from '../../visitors.js';
 * @typedef {import('zimmerframe').Visitors<
 *   import('#compiler').Css.Node,
 *   {
 *     keyframes: string[];
 *     rule: import('#compiler').Css.Rule | null;
 *   }
 * >} Visitors
/** @param {import('#compiler').Css.RelativeSelector} relative_selector */
function is_global(relative_selector) {
	const first = relative_selector.selectors[0];
	return (
		first.type === 'PseudoClassSelector' && === 'global' &&
			(selector) =>
				selector.type === 'PseudoClassSelector' || selector.type === 'PseudoElementSelector'
/** @type {Visitors} */
const analysis_visitors = {
	Atrule(node, context) {
		if (is_keyframes_node(node)) {
			if (!node.prelude.startsWith('-global-')) {
	ComplexSelector(node, context) {; // analyse relevant selectors first
		node.metadata.rule = context.state.rule;
		node.metadata.used = node.children.every(
			({ metadata }) => metadata.is_global || metadata.is_global_like
	RelativeSelector(node, context) {
		node.metadata.is_global =
			node.selectors.length >= 1 &&
			node.selectors[0].type === 'PseudoClassSelector' &&
			node.selectors[0].name === 'global' &&
				(selector) =>
					selector.type === 'PseudoClassSelector' || selector.type === 'PseudoElementSelector'
		if (node.selectors.length === 1) {
			const first = node.selectors[0];
			node.metadata.is_global_like ||=
				(first.type === 'PseudoClassSelector' && === 'host') ||
				(first.type === 'PseudoElementSelector' &&
		node.metadata.is_global_like ||= !!node.selectors.find(
			(child) => child.type === 'PseudoClassSelector' && === 'root'
	Rule(node, context) {
		node.metadata.parent_rule = context.state.rule;
		// `:global {...}` or `div :global {...}`
		node.metadata.is_global_block = node.prelude.children.some((selector) => {
			const last = selector.children[selector.children.length - 1];
			const s = last.selectors[last.selectors.length - 1];
			if (s.type === 'PseudoClassSelector' && === 'global' && s.args === null) {
				return true;
			rule: node
		node.metadata.has_local_selectors = node.prelude.children.some((selector) => {
			return selector.children.some(
				({ metadata }) => !metadata.is_global && !metadata.is_global_like
/** @type {Visitors} */
const validation_visitors = {
	Rule(node, context) {
		if (node.metadata.is_global_block) {
			if (node.prelude.children.length > 1) {
			const complex_selector = node.prelude.children[0];
			const relative_selector = complex_selector.children[complex_selector.children.length - 1];
			if (relative_selector.selectors.length > 1) {
					relative_selector.selectors[relative_selector.selectors.length - 1]
			if (relative_selector.combinator && !== ' ') {
			const declaration = node.block.children.find((child) => child.type === 'Declaration');
			if (declaration) {
	ComplexSelector(node, context) {
		// ensure `:global(...)` is not used in the middle of a selector
			const a = node.children.findIndex((child) => !is_global(child));
			const b = node.children.findLastIndex((child) => !is_global(child));
			if (a !== b) {
				for (let i = a; i <= b; i += 1) {
					if (is_global(node.children[i])) {
		// ensure `:global(...)` do not lead to invalid css after `:global()` is removed
		for (const relative_selector of node.children) {
			for (let i = 0; i < relative_selector.selectors.length; i++) {
				const selector = relative_selector.selectors[i];
				if (selector.type === 'PseudoClassSelector' && === 'global') {
					const child = selector.args?.children[0].children[0];
					// ensure `:global(element)` to be at the first position in a compound selector
					if (child?.selectors[0].type === 'TypeSelector' && i !== 0) {
					// ensure `:global(.class)` is not followed by a type selector, eg: `:global(.class)element`
					if (relative_selector.selectors[i + 1]?.type === 'TypeSelector') {
						e.css_type_selector_invalid_placement(relative_selector.selectors[i + 1]);
					// ensure `:global(...)`contains a single selector
					// (standalone :global() with multiple selectors is OK)
					if (
						selector.args !== null &&
						selector.args.children.length > 1 &&
						(node.children.length > 1 || relative_selector.selectors.length > 1)
					) {
	NestingSelector(node, context) {
		const rule = /** @type {import('#compiler').Css.Rule} */ (context.state.rule);
		if (!rule.metadata.parent_rule) {
const css_visitors = merge(analysis_visitors, validation_visitors);
 * @param {import('#compiler').Css.StyleSheet} stylesheet
 * @param {import('../../types.js').ComponentAnalysis} analysis
export function analyze_css(stylesheet, analysis) {
	walk(stylesheet, { keyframes: analysis.css.keyframes, rule: null }, css_visitors);